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Radley CofE Primary School

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School Uniform

It is our school policy that all children wear school uniform when attending school and when participating in a school-organised events outside normal school hours.

We believe that wearing a school uniform:

  • Promotes a sense of pride in the school
  • Engenders a sense of community and belonging towards the school
  • Is practical and smart
  • Identifies the children with the school and the FSU
  • Prevents children from coming to school in fashion clothes that could be a distraction
  • Helps children feel equal to their peers
  • Is regarded as suitable wear for school and represents value for money
  • Is designed with health and safety in mind
Uniform Policy Feb 24

Please label all school uniform!  You can order name tags using the following link, our school id is 22005:​https://www.mynametags.com/affiliate?id=22005

Uniform Requirements

All year:
* Royal blue school sweatshirt
​* Royal blue school cardigan 
* White polo shirt (long or short sleeved)
Grey trousers; or grey skirt or dress (girls)
Grey or white plain socks or tights
Black shoes

* Sun hat
Optional summer alternatives:
Royal blue and white checked dress (girls)
Short grey trousers
White or grey ankle socks

 Children in Reception, Year 1, and Year 2 also require a named   *book bag.

*Items available directly from our supplier School Trends:


PE Kit

For PE and games, all children should have in school a named *PE bag containing:

  • Royal blue PE T-shirt 
  • Black shorts
  • Black tracksuit trousers (outdoors, winter)
  • Royal blue school sport hoody (outdoors, winter – optional)
  • ​Black plimsolls (indoors – optional)Hairband for long hair (useful!)

Swimming Kit (Year 5 & 6)

  • One piece swimming costume
    or Swimming trunks (not shorts)
  • Swimming hat
  • Towel
  • Rubber verruca sock (if necessary)
  • Hairband for long hair  
  • No jewellery

Branded uniform is optional.  Non-branded school uniform is also available from a wide range of retail outlets and supermarkets. 

 Purchasing School Uniform

Please order branded school uniform directly from our supplier School Trends. Branded uniform is optional.  Non-branded school uniform is also available from a wide range of retail outlets and supermarkets. 

There are no minimum order quantities and your uniform will be delivered directly to your chosen address for  £2.99. Delivery times are 14 days however during busy months (June, July, August and September) delivery can take up to 21 days.

A selection of good quality 'pre-loved' (second hand) uniform is available, please email the school office with your requirements.

​​Please ensure your child’s clothes and shoes are clearly labelled with their name.  

Nursery Uniform

​Children in Nursery wear a *red t-shirt and *red sweatshirt with the school logo on.  The children feel a great sense of pride and it also helps to identify the different age groups within the Foundation Stage Unit.

*Nursery uniform is available to purchase directly from our supplier, Price & Buckland:

Foundation Stage children should have  a spare change of clothes in the FSU at all times.   Children can keep a pair of named wellies in the FSU  so that  they are able to play in the garden in all weathers.


School Trends Flyer for ParentsSchool Trends Size GuideNursery Uniform Price & Buckland


All children

should have a pair of trainers for outside sporting activities all year round.  All children must wear suitable clothing and footwear when using the playground climbing equipment.  The PE apparatus can only be used by children with bare feet or wearing plimsolls.


Children with pierced ears are allowed to wear small studs or sleepers in school.  County Health and Safety regulations insist they are removed for physical activities.  NO child is allowed to wear any earrings while swimming.  Teachers are not able to remove earrings for children.  If a child cannot remove their own earrings, then they should not wear them to school on a swimming day.  For all other physical activities, children may remove their own studs or bring in plasters to cover them.  These rules are for the children’s own safety.
Earrings should be limited to a single, small stud which can be removed by the child for PE and swimming. Make up and extreme hairstyles are a distraction and should not be worn.